Example of code to interpret joystick signal
# Joystick math based on code by Richard Klancer, circa 2012
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from math import atan2, sin, cos, pi, sqrt
GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(32, GPIO.OUT)
pwmLeft = GPIO.PWM(12, 0.5)
pwmRight = GPIO.PWM(32, 0.75)
def joystick(x, y):
"""Accepts a joystick position (x, y) where x and y represent a point within the unit circle.
Returns a tuple (left, right) of the corresponding motor speeds for a left and right motor in
a differential drive setup. Left and right are integers in the range -MAX_SPEED..MAX_SPEED"""
fx = float(x)
fy = float(y)
angle = atan2(fy, fx) - pi/4
# interpret the distance from the center
speed = sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy)
if speed > 1.0:
raise ValueError("Joystick input outside the unit circle")
left = sin(angle)
right = cos(angle)
# scale the motor speeds so that, if the joystick is pushed to its maximum distance from the
# center, the faster motor is at max speed regardless of the angle
scale = MAX_SPEED * speed / max(abs(left), abs(right))
pwmLeft.start(int(scale * left + 0.5))
pwmRight.start(int(scale * right + 0.5))
return "ok"